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REACH West Adult Program Opens

Mar 4, 2024

We are open!

The REACH West Adult Program is officially open. Clients are enjoying making the weekly schedule, having choice in the activities and relishing in the community activities. "I like this job. It's a good job for me." is often heard while passing out groceries (apples, oranges, onions or toilet paper) at the Richmond Emergency Food Bank or "I like helping people" when delivering meals to seniors.

REACH West promotes a healthy lifestyle so exercise, fitness and healthy eating are practiced. Tilden Park, Heather Farms, Blake Garden, Richmond and Emeryville Marinas are among the favorite walking spots. Clients plan cooking day, making sure all the food groups are included in the meal planning. They first purchase the ingredients, and then follow recipes to make delicious fare like smoothies and chicken tacos. There's also time for recreation- shooting baskets or walking and music- singing, dancing or cardio-drumming has everyone smiling.

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